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StyleSheet for use when a translation requires any css style changes.
This StyleSheet can be used directly by languages such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean which need larger font sizes.
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To get started with this blank [[TiddlyWiki]], you'll need to modify the following tiddlers:
* [[SiteTitle]] & [[SiteSubtitle]]: The title and subtitle of the site, as shown above (after saving, they will also appear in the browser title bar)
* [[MainMenu]]: The menu (usually on the left)
* [[DefaultTiddlers]]: Contains the names of the tiddlers that you want to appear when the TiddlyWiki is opened
You'll also need to enter your username for signing your edits: <<option txtUserName>>
These [[InterfaceOptions]] for customising [[TiddlyWiki]] are saved in your browser

Your username for signing your edits. Write it as a [[WikiWord]] (eg [[JoeBloggs]])

<<option txtUserName>>
<<option chkSaveBackups>> [[SaveBackups]]
<<option chkAutoSave>> [[AutoSave]]
<<option chkRegExpSearch>> [[RegExpSearch]]
<<option chkCaseSensitiveSearch>> [[CaseSensitiveSearch]]
<<option chkAnimate>> [[EnableAnimations]]

Also see [[AdvancedOptions]]
It's slow going, because I no longer write full-time. I'm back to having a day job, and I'm several years older and in poorer health than the last time I had one of those. Something has to give, and apparently it's the mental energy to write fiction. But I haven't stopped writing, even if my productivity level has dropped drastically.

Right now, actively working on the third [[Lord and Master|Lord and Master series]] novel, provisionally titled Night Shift. It starts on [[Steven|Steven Frost]]'s 50th birthday, a couple of months before their third wedding anniversary, and looks at the changes in their life and relationship with their families now that they've been happily married for a couple of years. There was an obvious plot hook in the second novel -- I didn't deliberately put it in there to set up a sequel, but having typed it as a natural development of other stuff, I realised that I'd like to expand on it. After that, I really should shut up about Mark and Steven other than occasional shorts, because there's a natural lifespan for a series and I think this book will finish their story well. (Yes, I do know how their story ends for them. Steven is pig-headed enough to make it to his 100th just to spite his illness, and Mark's still there holding his hand...)

Next in the queue, Taxman, an m/m urban fantasy set in London. I wrote the opening few chapters a while back because they insisted on being written, and I know where it goes next.

After that, current preferred order
Ipswich story
Badbury rings story
Sufficiently Advanced Magic - currently a novelette that looks like the first couple of chapters of a novel - write the rest of the novel
Knights Templar novel
do something about revising Journey Into Freedom and hitting the submission merry-go-round again

Abandoned for now
Syndicate honeymoon story and the accountant story

[[Hello World!]]
This is one of the few things on the site that does not try to conform to accessibility standards. It uses Javascript, so it's not going to be compatible with text-based browsers. It's not even checked to be fully compatible with anything other than whatever version of Firefox I'm using. That's because *I* am the intended audience. This is a tool I've created to help me keep track of stuff I need in the writing process. It's useful to have a copy where I can get at it even if I don't have my own computer, and it might entertain other people, so there's a (possibly out of date and/or censored) copy on my website, but Here Be Dragons. And spoilers.

Once upon a time, it was easy to keep all of my stories in my head. Even the ones I hadn't got around to writing yet. Now... well, I can keep it all in my head if I have to. But it's easier to keep some of it on paper, or at least on electrons, the better to work out timelines and to avoid giving too many characters the same name. I can and do put this stuff in a "background info" division in the WordPro document for a manuscript, but there's enough of it now that it would be useful to be able to see stuff across multiple books in a series, and even across more than one series. So it's time to play with a wiki. Note that what's in here is often somewhat telegraphic, or more information than you the reader really wanted to know, or sometimes both at once. Bits of it are copy-n-pasted from behind-the-scenes documentation for publisher, use of (e.g. cover art worksheets). Some of it is provisional and subject to change if I change my mind about the direction of a series.

No, you can't edit it and save your edits on this site. It's *my* wiki. But you can read it if you like, and if you know how to do so you can make a copy to your hard drive and edit that. The wiki is built using the open source personal wiki [[TiddlyWiki|http://www.tiddlywiki.com/]].

Lead characters:
[[Mark Paulson]]
[[Steven Frost]]

Introduced in book 1
[[Maggie]] -- PA in the same office building, and old friend of Steven
[[Sanjay]] -- Mark's boss at another company as the first book opens -- and an old university friend of Steven 
[[Bob Gordon]] -- runs the company's lab site
[[Tracy]] -- one of [[the piranhas]]
[[David MacDonald]] -- high level tech salesman in the same building, friend of Steven
[[the piranhas]] -- group of ~PAs

Mentioned in [[Old Age Creeping Over Me]]
Sarah -- Steven's peer at another company

Introduced in book 2
[[Nikki Smith]] -- Steven's niece, daughter of Irene and Geoff
[[Mr Frost]] -- Steven's father
[[Mrs Frost]] -- Steven's mother
[[Cathy]] -- Steven's oldest sister
[[Leonard]] -- Cathy's husband
[[Pippa]] -- Steven's middle sister
[[Felix]] -- Pippa's husband
[[Irene Smith]] -- Steven's youngest sister
[[Geoff Smith]] -- Irene's husband

Mentioned in [[Flight of Dreams]]
Carol -- works in London office, implied to be PA to Steven and Mark
Logan -- American customer of the company
Peter -- cabin crew on the plane
unnamed -- cabin crew on the plane

(To be) Introduced in book 3
Alan Paulson -- Mark's father
Mrs Paulson -- Mark's mother
Mark's brother
Mark's sister

full text stored in \profic\~LordAndMasterSeries\timeline.lwp

19 December 1958 -- Steven born

May 1978 -- Mark born

1982-1984 -- Nikki born, probably 1983

June-Sep 2003 -- Mark hired by Steven, Nikki starts final year of BSc

14 Feb 2004 (Saturday) -- M&S discuss the relationship during Paris break

16 Feb 2004 (Monday) -- go public

June 2004 -- Nikki passes her BSc exams -- will be 20-22

31 Dec 2004 -- Mark meets Steven's sisters and their husbands at the dinner party

Dec 2005 civil partnerships legal

11 Feb 2006 (Saturday) -- wedding

2007 -- Nikki finishes PhD, starts writing up

April 2007 - Sep 2007? -- Steven's major depressive episode

May 2008 (weekday) -- Mark's 30th birthday (Flight of Dreams)

June 2008 -- Nikki awarded PhD (not fixed)

Dec 2008 (weekday) -- Steven's 50th birthday -- Friday 19th?

11 Feb 2009 -- 3rd wedding anniversary
//The one PA in the building who can't marry the boss.//

When Mark Paulson went for a job interview with an old friend of his ~PhD supervisor, he wasn't expecting to be instantly attracted to the man. Steven Frost was simply looking for a young scientist to train as his assistant in running his engineering company; he wasn't expecting to get an attractive young man who looked the part of an openly gay CEO's trophy secretary. They were amused by other people's speculation about them, at least until the attraction flared into something they couldn't ignore...

Lord and Master was only supposed to be one book, my take on the classic tycoon/secretary romance with the classic HEA ending. Except, as so often happens, I then had a few ideas about what happened next. After all, they had to wait nearly two years between Steven's formal proposal and the day they could legally get married.

The series currently includes two novels, published by Loose Id, plus a novelette and short story available as free reads on my website. The novels are in Mark's viewpoint, but after the first book was published several people asked for something in Steven's viewpoint, so I wrote the two pieces on my website for them.


List of and information about the [[characters in the series|Lord and Master characters]].


Summer 2003 - March 2004: Main portion of Lord and Master (published by Loose Id).

May 2004: Old Age Creeping Over Me ([[free download on my website|http://www.julesjones.com/fiction/shortstories/oldagecreepingoverme.html]]).

June 2004: Part 1 of Taking Work Home (published by Loose Id).

31 December 2004: Part 2 of Taking Work Home (published by Loose Id).

11 February 2006: Epilogue of Lord and Master (published by Loose Id).

May 2008: Flight of Dreams ([[free download on my website|http://www.julesjones.com/fiction/shortstories/flightofdreams.html]]).

I'm working on a third book set in 2008/2009, but that's still at the early planning stage, so won't show up for a while even if I do get it finished.

[[detailed timeline writing notes|Lord and Master detailed timeline]]

!!!Background information

The whole thing started as a short story which eventually became the basis of a chapter in the novel, although the original short story is different in tone to the romance series. The story spent a couple of years sitting in various anthology slushpiles, and by the time it was published, the Civil Partnership legislation had passed in the UK -- which gave me an idea...

You can find more background information about the first novel here. There's also a separate page with more information about a medical issue covered in the series, although be warned that this page is a significant spoiler.

!!!Cover art merchandise

The cover art for the two novels is by the wonderful Anne Cain. If you'd like a teeshirt or print, I have a ~CafePress shop for both [[Lord and Master |http://www.cafepress.com/lordandmaster]] and [[Taking Work Home|http://www.cafepress.com/takingworkhome]]. These are all at cost, with no markup.
[[Hello World!]]
[[Currently working on...]]
[[other stuff]]
Born May 1978, average height, slim build, androgynous good looks, white Briton with blue eyes and blond curls. Aged 25 and writing up his ~PhD thesis in chemical engineering at the start of the first book. Initially hired by [[Steven Frost]] as a combination of research assistant and office manager. Has a solid grounding in industrial chemistry and a mind like a steel trap, which is why Steven hired him in the first place, but looks like a male version of the fluffy little blonde hired for her chest measurement and not her typing speed. Various people have regretted judging this particular book by its cover, much to Steven's amusement and profit.

Openly gay, out to his family. Has a kink for older men, mainly because he was unusually emotionally mature for his age at university and found his age peers irritatingly lacking in either physical or emotional technique when compared to the mature students and occasional member of the academic staff.

Has been playing the field prior to the start of the series, but mostly because he hadn't found the right man yet. Monogamous by preference.

Birthday not fixed in published stories but implied in [[Flight of Dreams]] to be on a weekday in 2008.
Niece of [[Steven Frost]]. Just finishing her ~BSc in chemisty in June 2004, so between 20 and 22 then, i.e. born around 1982-1984, but age not definite yet. Dark hair, slim build, resembles Steven but not obviously enough for Mark to realise they're related when he first meets her.

First appears in [[Lord and Master 2: Taking Work Home]]. The character was originally created for the first book in the series, but not used because the book went in a slightly different direction to what I'd originally planned.

Only child of Steven's youngest sister, [[Irene Smith]], and her husband [[Geoff Smith]]. Geoff's job in the oil industry often took him away from home for extended periods, and Steven was Nikki's guardian/carer when her parents were abroad.

Starts work on her ~PhD during [[Lord and Master 2: Taking Work Home]], around July 2004.

Major plotline character in third novel.
or, where did I put that nifty idea?
Born December 1958, a little over average height, average build, white Briton with brown eyes and brown hair staring to silver at the temples when first encountered. 44 at the start of the first book. [[Mark Paulson]] describes him at their first meeting as having the rugged good looks of an action film star. ~PhD in chemical engineering, although he doesn't get to do much hands-on science nowadays. Started his career working for a large company, but set up his own business providing consultancy, design and small-scale manufacturing. 

Openly gay, sometimes aggressively so in reaction to the homophobia he often encountered early in his career. Openly dispises misogynists almost as much as he does homophobes, ditto.

Monogamous by preference, but has a long history of short-term relationships because he's a very difficult man to live with.

Birthday not fixed in published stories but given as 19 Dec in third novel.
Characters in my books, by book/series, and by alphabetical order.

[[Buildup characters]]
[[Lord and Master characters]]
[[Spindrift characters]]
[[The Syndicate characters]]

Alan Paulson -- Lord and Master series, not yet introduced
[[Bob Gordon]] -- Lord and Master series, major secondary character
[[Cathy]] -- Lord and Master series, major secondary character
[[David MacDonald]] -- Lord and Master series, minor character
[[Felix]] -- Lord and Master series, major secondary character
[[Mr Frost]] -- Lord and Master series, major secondary character
[[Mrs Frost]] -- Lord and Master series, major secondary character
[[Geoff Smith]] -- Lord and Master series, major secondary character
[[Irene Smith]] -- Lord and Master series, major secondary character
[[Leonard]] -- Lord and Master series, major secondary character
[[Maggie]]  -- Lord and Master series, major secondary character
[[Mark Paulson]] -- Lord and Master series, main character
Mark's brother -- Lord and Master series, not yet introduced
Mark's sister -- Lord and Master series, not yet introduced
[[Nikki Smith]] -- Lord and Master series, major secondary character
Mrs Paulson -- Lord and Master series, not yet introduced
[[Pippa]] -- Lord and Master series, major secondary character
[[Sanjay]] -- Lord and Master series, major secondary character
[[Steven Frost]] -- Lord and Master series, main character
[[Tracy]] -- Lord and Master series, minor character
[[the piranhas]] -- Lord and Master series, minor characters
[[Buildup series]]
[[Lord and Master series]]
[[Spindrift series]]
[[The Syndicate series]]